Gutenify University是一個免費的 WordPress主題,具有針對教育機構網站的簡約設計,但它并不僅可以用來制作教育類網站,博客網站、其它行業或企業官網同樣可以。
Gutenify University可以讓每個用戶都有一個真正獨一無二的網站。通過將不同的塊與Gutenify擴展插件相結合,讓每個網站都將具有獨特的外觀。
Gutenify University is a free WordPress theme with a minimalist design for educational institutes sites. Gutenify University wants each of our users to have a website that is genuinely one-of-a-kind. Each website will have a unique look by combining diverse blocks with Gutenify Plugins and solid extra blocks. We wish to produce a unique look for each website by using powerful typography and clean design. Gutenify University Theme’s actual efficiency resides in its customizability when used in conjunction with the Gutenify Plugin. The theme is developed using the Full Site Editing features introduced in WordPress 5.9, which means that any component of your site, including colors, font, and layout, may be altered to fit your needs. The Gutenify Plugin includes a wide range of blocks that will transform your website into a totally unique spectacle when used in conjunction with this theme. Gutenify University with Gutenify Plugin will help you develop something unique that you can proudly call yours, whether it’s a single-page website, a blog, a company website, a portfolio, a construction site, or an education site. Official Support Forum: Demo:
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